Vanliga Frågor

Välkommen till vår FAQ-sida om Gast:s membranpumpar! Vi har samlat de vanligaste frågorna och svaren för att hjälpa dig förstå mer om dessa högpresterande och pålitliga kompressorer. Oavsett om du är ny kund eller har använt våra produkter i flera år, hoppas vi att du hittar den information du behöver här. Om du har ytterligare frågor, tveka inte att kontakta oss – vi är här för att hjälpa dig!

Can water be pumped through my unit?

  • No, clean dry air only.

What are the small washers between the valve plate and the body for?

  • They serve as spacing between the retainer plate and the valve plate. They must be kept in the same location to ensure proper alignment.

What kind of oil do I need for my diaphragm unit?

  • None, Gast diaphragm units are oilless, and do not require oil.

Can I pump combustible gas through my MOA?

  • No, none of Gast models are designed to pump combustible gases.

My DOA model was sitting on my shelf for a long time, now it will not start.

  • With the power disconnected from unit, insert a rigid instrument through the grill and rotate the cooling fan a few times. This should loosen the diaphragm and allow the unit to start.

What can I use to flush my diaphragm unit with?

  • Gast flushing solvent, AH255D. If this is not available you can use electrical contact cleaner.

Can I use the same kit for new style DOA (dome shaped head) as for the old flat head style?

  • Yes the kit will contain parts for new and old style units.

Can I get new motor brushes for my DC voltage unit?

  • Yes the brushes can be obtained from Gast distributors. Check website sales & distribution for a distributor near you.

Can I replace the motor on my diaphragm unit?

  • The motor can not be replaced in the field, the unit should be sent to an authorized service center.

How can I replace the rod assembly in my diaphragm unit?

  • The rod assembly is not field replaceable, the unit should be sent to an authorized service center.

What does the model number mean?

  • For an explanation of the Diaphragm model numbers please click here.
gast blue